Sunday, December 13, 2009

Denver anarchist held without bail in Copenhagen: Call for Solidarity!


From our comrades at Denver Anarchist Black Cross:

Today we learned that an anarchist comrade and dear friend of ours has been arrested on two charges at the ongoing Cop15 actions in Copenhagen, Denmark and will be held without possibility of bail for at least three weeks. Solidarity in the form of letters of support (free to send), as well as legal donations, is urgently needed.

Noah "Rockslide" of Denver, Colorado moved to Copenhagen several months ago and has been active in the organizing of resistance to the Cop 15 Summit. He has been arrested and charged with two counts (one is the Danish equivalent of a felony, the other a misdemeanor): Violence Towards Police and Disturbing the Public Peace. He is being held on remand at a jail outside Copenhagen awaiting a preliminary hearing on Jan 4th 2009, when he will be able make a petition for his release. It is possible that this preliminary hearing could be his trial, though this is unexpected because they normally take longer to prepare and the courts will be on holiday because of Christmas.

The state of Denmark does not allow for bail, so defendants are either released on their own recognizance or are remanded for trial. Noah was remanded, so the first opportunity for his release is his January 4th courtdate!

Until that time, people are encouraged to send letters and clothes to Rockslide, though nothing else as we understand that only these are allowed entrance. Letters are screened by the police, so of course don't write anything that could get you or Noah in trouble. Copenhagen Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) has volunteered to print out emails to Noah and mail them to him. Just write an email and send it to supportrockslide@gmail -- we'll make sure it gets to him via the ABC chapter.

To send a paper letter, the address is:

postbox 604
2200 Copenhagen N

(Letters of weight not over 1 ounce will cost $0.98 postage via the US postal service.)

We have been told the legal system in Denmark runs a little quicker than here in the States, and we can expect Noah to go to trial in the next couple months. People in Copenhagen have said not to expect more than a year imprisonment if he is found guilty on all charges. We aren't sure of his risk of deportation, though if he is released on remand he will most likely be expected to stay in Denmark until trial, and could possibly stay after any potentional sentence.

If Noah is found guilty, he will be required to pay all legal fees and fines as well as any jail time, and lawyer fees. Rockslide was a given the contacts for a lawyer who is trustworthy and not as expensive, but we do not have an estimation of what the final total might be.

If you would like to donate you can do so through the Support Noah Rockslide! paypal account here.

That's all we have for now. There are people in Europe who are pulling together to support him as well as all the other people arrested. A copy of The Lorax has been dropped off already, and clothes were graciously brought out to him.

We want to give a super big ups to Copenhagen ABC for kicking ass and being patient as we figure out what we're doing here in the states. Mad love to y'alls.

Up with Climate Action! Down with Prisons!

Support Noah!

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